[memberonly label="Admin"].

Membership updates

To add a new member who registers with a paper form:

  1. Enter the information on the “Register for Cosburn Membership” page https://membership.cosburnbowls.ca/wp/register-for-cosburn-membership#join

    If a member has no email address, use noemailbowlers@gmail.com (The online registration system assumes and requires an email address, so we set up a dummy account for those bowlers.)
  2. Be sure to follow through to the volunteer opportunities page.


To change any member record:

  1. Log in to the MembershipWorks admin page: https://membershipworks.com/admin

You should be able to log in with the email address you used to join the club, and the password you set up at that time. If you don’t remember the password, the site will email you a new one.


When a member pays by cash or cheque, the member’s account will show as “expired” or “past due” until we record that the member has paid for the season.

  1. After logging in, click on “Members” in the left-side column.
  2. Find the member and click on the member card (you may use the search function).
  3. Click on the “Membership Billing” tab and the “Update” button.
  4. Change “Payment due for current period” to 0.
  5. Click Save.


To create a printable spreadsheet list of members (or past due members whose payment has not been recorded yet):

Don’t just view the club roster and print that page—your list will be incomplete, since it will not include members who choose not to appear on the online roster. Instead:

  1. Log in to the MembershipWorks admin page: https://membershipworks.com/admin.
  2. For a list of all members, click on this link: https://membershipworks.com/admin/#list/members
  3. You’ll see the member names displayed on cards.
      • If you wish to print a list of all the members displayed here, click on the “Export” tab.
      • If you wish to print out a subset of these members, you may be able to refine the list by clicking on “add search criteria” and choosing one or more of the labels. For example, you could select “New Member” to view only new members. This search will be useful for the OLBA submission. Note that not all labels are currently in use. After refining your list, click on the “Export” tab.
  4. Select the file information you want—likely name, but perhaps also phone and email. Other fields that may be useful: emergency contact name and phone number, OLBA number and date of entry (this information is not yet entered), and membership levels. 
  5. Click download to save a csv file that can be opened in Excel (or another spreadsheet application). From Excel, you can further sort and manipulate the list and print it. 

Event updates

Working with events and event registrations:

  1. Log in to the MembershipWorks admin page: https://membershipworks.com/admin

    You should be able to log in with the email address you used to join the club, and the password you set up at that time. If you don’t remember the password, the site will email you a new one.

  2. Click on “Event List” in the left-side column.
  3. Click on the event you need to work with. This will bring up the Dashboard view, where you can see a list of the event registrants.

To add an event registration: 

  1. Click on “add registration” under the event title.
  2. Choose the registration type (usually Cosburn team, non-Cosburn team, or waiting list) and number of registrants (which should be 1).
  3. Add the entrant information.
  4. Select or deselect “Send registration confirmation email.” If it’s selected (the button is red), the system will send a “thank you for registering” email.
  5. Click Add Registration button at bottom.

To delete or modify an event registration: 

  1. In the Dashboard view, look for the entrant’s name. Click on Edit/Void. Void will remove that entry from the list. Edit allows you to update the registration type or any of the entrant’s details.

To email one registrant: 

  1. In the Dashboard view, click on the entrant’s name. This will bring up your linked email client.

To email all registrants: 

  1. Click on Email in the top menu. This allows you to email everyone who has registered.